How to Get Paid to Sell Other Companies Products Online

Did you know you can get paid to sell other people’s products online? You certainly can and it’s a fairly simple process once you know what you’re doing.

How to Sell Other Companies Products Online

That said, to make any decent kind of living at it, it takes a willingness to work hard and be consistent with your efforts.

I say that, not to be discouraging in any way but to be upfront about it. Sure, you can piddle around and make a few bucks here and there with relatively little effort, but if you’re willing to put more in to it you can continue to scale your efforts until you are making a nice full-time income.

Before I explain how to sell other companies products online, let me give you a little something to get excited about and one of the most appealing aspects of this whole thing…

No Inventory and No Shipping

Can I get a Amen! The way I’m talking about earning an income here does not require you to keep an inventory of companies products and there is absolutely no shipping involved on your end, or dealing with drop shipping through companies such as Amazon or eBay.

Maybe it’s just me but I was ecstatic to learn this in the beginning because I’ve dealt with housing inventory and shipping products in the past, and although at first it may seem exciting and even a bit glamorous (it did to me), the nostalgia wears off once you realize just how much work it takes to keep up with it. A lot of never ending work.

For me part of the appeal of having an online business is that I have the flexibility and freedom to work from wherever I want, and being tied to fulfilling shipments definitely doesn’t allow that. I’ll leave that to the fulfillment centers thank you very much!

How to Sell Other Companies Products Online-Shipping

So if you’re looking for the same type of laptop lifestyle freedom, selling other people’s products is a great way to work smarter – not harder.

Another reason this avenue of making money online is so appealing is that you don’t have to create your own products. Product creation can be a huge undertaking and should you choose to go that route at some point in the future then great!

But why not earn an income in the meantime recommending existing products you feel good about because you have experienced their awesome benefits and know others would benefit from them to?

Plus, if you decide to branch out into product creation in the future you can expand your income by adding another stream to your existing revenue from recommending other people’s products. Pretty sweet right?

If you haven’t already heard of it, in the online world the term used for selling other people’s products is affiliate marketing. So, what exactly is it and how does it work?

Affiliate Marketing 101

In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is a partnership between a company (considered an advertiser) and an individual (considered a publisher) whereby the company pays the individual a commission to promote their product(s). Sounds simple enough right?

Like I mentioned earlier, it is, but you do need to know what you’re doing – or else, (you know the saying) “everyone would be doing it.” When it comes down to time and mistakes, getting the right education will save you both, and help you position yourself for success. It’s the difference between making it online or not.

To sell other people’s products online you need a website. If that sounds too “techy”, don’t let it. If I knew absolutely nothing more than how to surf the web and check emails before I learned how to build websites, I’m 100 percent confident you can learn too.

How to Sell Other Companies Products Online-Website

Just like you have probably searched for certain things on the internet and landed on websites with information, reviews and products you’re looking for – by creating a website on a topic you choose (like the best cameras for professional photography for example), you can provide the same kind of helpful scenario for people.

It’s totally possible to generate a nice income from offering companies products on your website (cameras and accessories in this case) that they will pay you a “thank you commission” to recommend.

To learn more in depth about how the process of affiliate marketing works, how to get started the easiest way, and how to find products to promote, you can read through affiliate marketing basics here.

Companies Want to Pay You to Sell Their Products

Businesses (many well known) are more than happy for affiliates to sell their products – we bring them more sales which not only more than offset the commissions they pay out but also give them more exposure.

Think about it, if you try a product or service and end up having a great experience or finding something you love you’re likely to tell other people which will most likely result in more sales for that company.

You’re seeing it now aren’t ya?! It’s a fantastic way to help out others by sharing things you love and believe in and earn an income doing so. Here are just a few major companies that will pay you to sell their products via your website:

  • Amazon
  • Ebay
  • Walmart
  • Target
How to Sell Other Companies Products Online-Amazon

Millions of people shop online with these companies everyday and this is just scratching the surface, there are literally thousands of affiliate programs out there. Not to mention major affiliate networks like Shareasale, Linkshare, Clickbank, the list goes on, that have tons of programs within their networks to choose from.

To learn in depth how to choose and find products to promote through independent affiliate programs and larger networks, see my article here.

Get Started the Right Way

Now that you have a good idea of how to sell other companies products online, maybe you’re ready to give it a go. If so, this is the point where you need the right education, step-by-step training and a proven method to get your website up and running so you can promote affiliate products and start making some money.

The income I earn online is mostly due to my affiliate marketing efforts, so I can tell you that it does work (without a doubt) if you are willing to learn what it takes and put in to practice what you learn. The amount of effort you put into your business is in direct proportion to what you get out of it.

I struggled for years, with little to no results, trying different ways to make money online until I learned the right way to do it. I don’t want you to have to go through the same thing. I want you to make it online, which is why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

Everything I’ve learned and continue to learn is thanks to the training and support they offer. Which brings me to another important aspect – support. I am always happy to answer any questions you have along the way as are all the folks at WA, including the owners.

Check out my in depth review of my top recommended training to get all the details of how to get started for FREE and launch your own online business with this awesome tool!

Questions or comments? Leave them in the section below and I’ll be sure to get back to you!

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