Hey there, I’m Jess! I know you have a lot of choices of who to read online so I want to say thanks for stopping by.
Sweet Lifestyle Freedom is dedicated to helping you build and grow a profitable online business.
I know there’s a ton of information out there about making money online, not only making it overwhelming but increasingly more difficult to sift through the heaps of nonsense and find real ethical advice.
You won’t find sugar-coating, BS, deceptive tactics or magic shortcuts to riches here.
Just tested, step-by-step systems that work in the real world.
The same systems that allowed me to finally “crack the code” and start my first website and make an income sharing one of my greatest passions – health and wellness. You can check it out here if you want.
Now that I know what legitimately works I am compelled to share another passion – wealth, so that others like yourself can also profit and experience my ultimate passion – freedom.
I Almost Gave up
I almost gave up on my dream of working for myself. I’m so, so grateful I didn’t.
That said, I didn’t start making money overnight and I’m pretty sure you won’t either, and if anyone promises you that, I have one word of advice…
RUN…and run FAST!
It’s BS. Just plain BS.
They either just want to pocket your money, or have never made a legitimate income online, or they’re totally delusional.
The reality is, having an online business is not all rainbows and unicorns.
I’ve had to work my !@$ off for this freedom.
You know the saying “When you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life” – of course you have to work but it doesn’t feel like work (most of the time).
So, as long as you’re willing to do the work and have the patience to allow your results to build over time, with the proper guidance you absolutely can achieve great things and the results are worth every ounce of effort.
In my experience, the so called “secret” to success, really just boils down to applying this simple formula:
Belief = Commitment = Consistent Action = Results
The formula itself is not sexy BUT the freedom to live life on your terms certainly is.
The potential is within each of us, we just have to want it bad enough to access it. It takes strengthening our internal belief system which is why tips and resources to help you do that are also found here on the site.
It’s only fair to warn you that while I approach tips and topics with the utmost seriousness at the core, there may be a healthy dose of humor and sassiness mixed in =)
Having experienced the growth personal development brings, along with seeing it in others has taught me one thing for sure…I’ve never met a single person who’s business or life has thrived in the absence of it.
What’s in This for You?
So, sweet lifestyle freedom…that’s what you’re here for right?
You’re tired of working long hours doing a daily grind that is so freaking monotonous you’d rather chew on shoe leather.
You’re fed up with taking your boss’s and the company’s !@#$ while they collect the bulk of the money and leave you to do all the work for peanuts.
You’re tired of busting your butt on someone else’s terms.
And worst of all you’re tired of being so exhausted and mentally and physically beaten down by the time your work day/week is over that you feel like a zombie with no time left to do the things you enjoy, and piddly amounts of energy left for your family and the people you care about.
And retirement, a whole other story…who even knows anymore.
Not a lot of benefits or job security going on out there these days, that’s for sure.
If you happen to be part of the lucky few who get to do work you love then congrats and just disregard all of that, maybe you’re here to learn how to make some extra money on the side.
Either way I think it’s fair to say that everyone wants lifestyle freedom, and that includes having enough time and money to do the things you want to do, to spend more time with your family, to get up and go when and where you want.
To live a purposeful life on your terms. That’s the sweet stuff right?!
What You Will Find Here
Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or make a full-time living online, I share with you proven ways to make it happen.
I feel there are enough sites out there that focus on exposing scams, so you won’t find much of that here.
Instead the focus is on sharing real methods to earn a living online, marketing and SEO tactics that build traffic, and any other useful information that assists you in building and growing a profitable business.
That said, my reviews are in no way biased, the pros and cons are still outlined to help you make an informed decision as to which programs and services offer what you’re looking for.
Plus my logic is that once I gain your trust you’ll know that I only recommend things that work, so instead of time spent talking about scams, let’s put that time and research into tools and services that help make our businesses more profitable and easier to run.
So, How Does a Girl go From Knowing Zero About an Online Business to Making an Income Online?
First off, I am not a millionaire or an “internet marketing guru.”
I don’t live in a multi-million dollar home or drive around in a Ferrari.
I’m a simple gal who finally discovered how to make money online from home and enjoy sweet lifestyle freedom.
For me, it’s about living life on my terms, not being dictated by a J.O.B. and having the time freedom to do more of the things I love.

I no longer have to get up at 5 a.m. to travel to a J.O.B. everyday, I get to wake up, throw on yoga pants and work when and where I choose.
No more 30 minute lunch breaks or skipping them because I’m swamped with deadlines, I eat when I choose and actually get to digest my food (I know you feel me).
I don’t have to beg for time off to spend holidays with my family and loved ones or take a vacation, the only person I have to clear it with is myself – the boss.
But this didn’t happen overnight. I had to dedicate myself to learn and work hard for it.
Can You Relate to Any of the Following?
My previous work life consisted of waking up every morning dreading going to work to do the grind and drowning in a dead end job.
After years of forcing myself into roles to pay the bills I was completely losing myself, I forgot who I was and even worse I wasn’t valuing myself, my skills, experience and true life’s purpose.
Even though I had changed companies a few times over the years, I still just never felt fulfilled working at any of them.
Everything I mentioned earlier about working for someone else…totally know the feeling of being stuck and watching life quickly pass me by.
I can’t tell you the countless days and nights I was overcome with the burning desire to live a more purposeful life on my terms.
I obsessed about it for years before I decided to actually do something.
I don’t encourage you to do the same…wait to do something, that is.
I tried many different programs and business opportunities over the course of a few years and although some brought success, in the end they all included some level of doing something on someone else’s terms and never really felt entirely like my thing.
I made some money BUT I also lost some.
And on top of that, when it comes to many methods of making money, most programs leave you in the dust trying to figure out how to fit the pieces of the puzzle together with absolutely no help or support.
That’s exactly why I was so excited to finally find the step-by-step training that taught me the RIGHT way to build and grow a profitable online business so I no longer have to worry about whether I can say yes to the things that allow me to live a rich and fulfilling life.
Now it’s Your Turn
Don’t let working for someone else hold you back from the things you desire. Learn how to make money the smart way and enjoy the lifestyle freedom to do more of what you love.
Want to learn how you can build your own profitable online business?
You might also like Getting Started Online in 3 Easy Steps
I look forward to connecting and for you to create the lifestyle you desire.
If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section or contact me at jess@sweetlifestylefreedom.com.
My definition of financial freedom is simple: it is the ability to live the lifestyle you desire without having to work or rely on anyone else for money. – T. Harv Eker
To your sweet lifestyle freedom!